The top 4 seaside spots in Norfolk fall within Our Man in Norfolk’s catchment area.

Yet again several seaside spots in Norfolk have once again scooped a place as some of the nation’s best areas to live or own a second home according to a recent survey.

Norfolk’s first entry is Blakeney which comes in at 15th scoring an impressive 76% of people surveyed. Behind by just 1% is Norfolk’s Sheringham which scores 75%, and this year Cromer overtook Wells-Next-the-Sea for third place scoring 73% while the latter dropped down the list, but still scoring a rather impressive 71%.

Second home owners in these areas can benefit from Sheringham based Our Man in Norfolk’s range of bespoke services and hands-on approach designed to take the hassle away from having holiday retreats in this area; membership can always be tailored to meet individual requirements.

Posted in Local News.